Sunday, January 29, 2012

Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (hardcover, $17.99)

Okay, I'm ready for the third and final volume. I raced through Catching Fire, the second in "The Hunger Game" series. It was a little slow for an adult reader in places (e.g., there was a lot of hand-holding between Katniss and Peeta), but once the big surprise got going about two-thirds of the way through, it was bam, bam, bam in typical Suzanne Collins style. She's so good at getting her readers' hearts racing!

If you haven't read anything about this book, don't know what becomes of Katniss and Peeta, the 17- and 19-year old stars of the show, haven't read the dust jacket summary, then don't go there. Just read the book. If you can preserve the surprise of what Collins does with her people, then that's better for you.

If you haven't read The Hunger Game, read the review a few entries ago, or just read the book. It's designed for mature adolescent readers but adults are welcome.

So I'm afraid that this is the review. No synopsis. No whining over who died. No hint at what the big picture might be.


P.S. Mockingjay is the third and final volume. I'm hunting, snaring, and tracking down a copy.

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