Friday, September 5, 2014

Ack! The A&E channel has cancelled "Longmire"

I really mean aaaaack! Really.

Why the cancellation?

So the characters strayed from Craig Johnson's creations. So Henry is shorter and wimpier ... I mean, slighter ... than portrayed in the Longmire books. So Cady never takes off for Philly. So Brand doesn't really exist in print. Etc. That doesn't mean I can't like the television series. In fact, I didn't "like" it; I loved it. It's rare to be able to like the original creation and the spun-off cinematic version.

If you feel the same way and have a Facebook page, post something with "#LongLiveLongmire." You don't even have to say anything, just the hashtag will do.

Some fans are calling their cable companies to ask them to cancel the A&E channel. (That might be a little radical.)

Are you best buds with any AMC execs? Tell him or her that picking up "Longmire" would be a great Labor Day/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hannukah present for you.

Long Live Longmire!

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